April 2019


It’s a real pleasure to write these lines on this month of April.

This year is in good shape. Our customers have renewed their confidence and new customers are ringing to our door, in the Medical, Aeronautics and also Automotive fields.

We can foresee a quite important activity increase as our revenue will probably goes up more than 10 % this year.

Gecoe's International position is confirmed by the commissioning of several machines in new production sites in China but also in Turkey.

To face this development, an hiring and training policy has been continued in line with our DNA : Technologies, Robotics, Test, PLC programming, Organization.  

Challenges we are encountering are our source of motivation to progress in delivering you the best services.

Thanks for visiting us

We were glad to discuss about your projects with you at our booth during the Pharmacosmetech event.

A new skill in the GECOE

Our electrical conception team recently undertook a training session which gave a new certifiation to the GECoE: the SEE Electrical Expert Silver certification. It guarantees an electrical expertise that can adpat to the customers formats while keeping a good electrical representation standard on their machine.

A new update on EasyTest

2018 has been a great year for the EasyTest development team. We invested time to build the new EasyTest 10 that was delivered early march. That new version will bring you two major improvements:

- With the constantly increasing size and complexity of your EasyTest projects, a search tool was becoming a major request. It will save you a lot of time next time you'll have to get into the work of someone else or if you want to identify some parts that are not used anymore for example. The tool will list you all parts of your project related to any text you will ask for.

- The new pre-condition on steps (and module calls) is based on a user condition. Write a parser statement and specify where to jump if the condition returns true. This pre-condition "on user defined" may replace some "if-then-else" statements and save running time.

- And many other improvements...

Go and check these upgrades by clicking on the link bellow:


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